Produkte und Lösungen

Verschiedene Produkte & Lösung

Wir bieten die größte Auswahl an Produkten und Lösungen für die Aufbereitung von Wasser, Abwasser, festen Abfällen und Luft, um den Bedürfnissen von Industrien, Haushalten und Gemeinden in Indien und auf der ganzen Welt gerecht zu werden.

At Ion Exchange, our engineering solutions are designed to meet the needs of various industries by ensuring efficient water and wastewater treatment. Our products include:

INDION Range of Resins: Crafting Sustainable Industry Solutions

Our high-performance resins are formulated to enhance water treatment processes, offering reliable solutions for ion exchange, softening, and demineralization.

Ion Exchange offers cutting-edge engineering solutions for sustainable industries in Bangladesh, fostering innovation and environmental stewardship. At Ion Exchange, we produce top-tier INDION resins for various sectors such as textiles, packaging, food and beverage, construction, paint, and furniture manufacturing. Our versatile INDION resins used in water treatment plants also excel in various processes, including deashing and color removal in gelatine, liquid glucose, sorbitol, dextrose, and maltodextrin manufacture. They are also utilized for alkalinity removal in beverage wash water, the purification of stevia, and the debiting of fruit juices. Moreover, INDION resins play a crucial role in the beverage industry by facilitating the inversion of sucrose into glucose and fructose, thereby reducing sugar consumption for low-calorie beverages.

HYDRAMEM Membranes: Transforming Industrial Water Purification

We offer a wide range of membranes designed for various applications, providing superior filtration and separation capabilities in water and wastewater treatment.

In Bangladesh, membranes are at the forefront of sustainable solutions, revolutionizing water purification processes. Ion Exchange offers a comprehensive range of tailored solutions for water, wastewater, waste, and energy recovery across industries such as pulp and paper, sugar, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage processing, and textile manufacturing. Our Hydramem membrane range, covering UF, NF, and RO membranes, is well-known for its effectiveness in purifying and separating substances. These membranes are trusted for their reliability and efficiency, especially in treating wastewater for different industries. We provide comprehensive solutions for the paper & sugar industry, focusing on sustainable water management practices.

Specialty Chemicals: Advancing Industry Benchmarks

Our specialty chemicals are engineered to optimize water treatment processes, including scaling prevention, corrosion control, and biological fouling reduction.

Specialty chemicals by Ion Exchange Bangladesh, are revolutionizing industry standards, offering innovative solutions for diverse applications. With their unique properties and advanced functionalities, these chemicals are driving efficiency, sustainability, and excellence across various sectors like oil and gas, textiles, paint, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and leather. In the textile sector, Ion Exchange offers a range of specialty chemicals, including antimigrating agents, lubricating agents, and color removal polymers, enhancing the quality of end products while upholding our commitment to environmental sustainability and human well-being. Additionally, Ion Exchange caters to various industries, including the textile industry for dyeing and finishing chemicals, the pharmaceutical industry for drug manufacturing, the agrochemical industry for crop protection chemicals, and the leather industry for tanning and finishing chemicals. In the oil and gas sector, we provide tailored process chemicals and fuel additives designed to meet the specific requirements of each refiner’s crude basket, encompassing refinery processes and oil field applications.

Range of Instrumentation & Automation Systems

Our instruments and automation solutions deliver precise monitoring and control, ensuring efficient operation and management of water treatment systems.

Industrial water quality must be monitored closely to achieve high level of operational efficiency and also to safeguard plants and process equipment from corrosion, microbial and fouling etc. At Ion Exchange, we have a wide range of instruments to monitor process and waste water parameters such as pH/ORP, conductivity, resistivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and ammonia. They are available in models to suit every environment – handheld/portable, benchtop, wall/field mounted, panel and rack mounted.


Führend in der Wassereffizienz in allen Sektoren.

Ion Exchange ist eines der wenigen Unternehmen weltweit mit Komplettlösungen für das Wasser- und Umweltmanagement. Unsere umfassenden Technologien, Produkte und Dienstleistungen ermöglichen es unserem multidisziplinären Expertenteam, die Bedürfnisse aller Sektoren zu erfüllen: Industrie, Institutionen, Wohnungsbau und Gemeinden – in der Stadt und auf dem Land.

Prestigeträchtige Installationen in Kenia und Tansania

What our satisfied clients are saying

RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
Installation der Bank High Salt Water RO-Anlage
RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
SWRO-Anlage in einem 5-Sterne-Hotel installiert
Installation einer Brauerei-Wasseraufbereitungsanlage, eines Enthärters, eines Kohlefilters und eines Sandfilters
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Case Studies

Partial List


Umfassender Service, Support und Sicherheit

Ion Exchange ist einer der größten Komplettanbieter für Wasser- und Abwassermanagement und steht für Wertschöpfung durch zentrale Verantwortung.
Unser Fachwissen in Kombination mit einem Team erfahrener Ingenieure mit umfassendem Verständnis der Prozesse unserer Kunden ermöglicht es uns, integrierte Lösungen bereitzustellen, die den individuellen Anforderungen unserer Kunden vollständig gerecht werden. Dies trägt dazu bei, das Gesamtproduktionsniveau zu maximieren und wirtschaftliche Vorteile zu schaffen.

Wir befolgen und halten die gesetzlichen Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsanforderungen für unser Unternehmen und unsere Kunden ein.

Unsere integrierten Dienstleistungen decken alle Aspekte der Leistung von Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen ab und bieten ein umfassendes Leistungspaket.

Betrieb und Instandhaltung

Betrieb und Instandhaltung

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Rehabilitation & Änderung

Rehabilitation & Änderung

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Verbrauchsmaterialien & Ersatzteile

Verbrauchsmaterialien & Ersatzteile

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Audit und Beratung

Audit und Beratung

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Projektfinanzierung (BOO/T, Leasing und Leasing)

Projektfinanzierung (BOO/T, Leasing und Leasing)

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Unsere Experten sind für Sie da.

Anfrage: 1800 4250 788

Our Prestigious Installations

What our satisfied clients are saying

RO plant installed at Beverage Industry
RO plant installed at Beverage Industry
RO plant installed at Beverage Industry
RO plant for high brackish water installed in Bank
RO plant installed at Steel Industry
SWRO plant installed at 5 Star Hotel
WTP, Softener, Sand filter and carbon filter installed at Brewery
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Wenn Sie eine kostenlose Beratung wünschen

Regionalbüro für Ionenaustausch Ostafrika

Ansprechpartner: Herr V.Srinivasa Chakravarthy

Call: +254 786 649102 (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

Call: +254-786-649-102 / +254-715-739-052
    (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

Lassen Sie sich von unseren Experten bei der Lösung Ihrer Wasser- und Umweltmanagementprobleme unterstützen.